Advanced Golf Certificate Program

Graduates of golf management certificate programs pictured with certificates and Dr. Karl Danneberger.

The course was great, well put together, and I learned a lot. – Emerson


  1. Radiant Energy
  2. High Temperature Stress
  3. Low Temperature Stress
  4. Moisture Stress (Summer)
  5. Moisture Stress (Winter)
  6. Salt Affected Turfgrass Sites
  7. Extra Credit

The Advanced Golf Course Certificate Program builds on the first certificate. The advanced certificate focus is on recognizing, characterizing, and managing turf under environmental stress.

COST: $919 USD


About the course:

The Advanced Golf Course Certificate Program was developed as a compliment to the Golf Course Management Certificate. The advanced course takes a more in depth look at the environmental factors like light, temperature, moisture, and water quality that can both promote turfgrass development and health or injury.

For each certificate the subject area is broad enough to be applicable to turf conditions globally. The on-line lectures were developed by leading turfgrass researchers and educators at The Ohio State University specifically for golf course management.

Regardless of location, the program was created for individuals to work at their own pace and at a time most suited for them. Course presentations, references, faculty interaction, and testing are completed on-line. The only requirement is that the each course be completed within a 10-week period. The Advanced Golf Course Certificate Program has been approved for 0.35 GCSAA educational points.

Estimated time to complete this course is 22 hours.

Only electronic certificates will be presented to students who successfully complete each course.

Want to learn more? See Tell me about Advanced Golf Course Certificate Program in the side Modules menu.

Disclaimer: Once you have submitted payment, there are NO REFUNDS.

Successful completion of the course requires a grade of 70 percent or greater. Those earning a grade of 94 percent or higher will receive a certificate with distinction.